Excellence Without Compromise
Our vibrant work culture and can do attitude is key in our ability
to deliver some of the UK's most iconic buildings
Winner of the UK 's Specialist
Brickwork Contractor 2021
Industry recognition for the level of craftsmanship displayed across a number
of projects along with our continued contribution to the UK industry.
Delivering some of the
UK's Most Iconic Projects
With over 30 years of experience in the provision of Brickwork, Blockwork,
Architectural Masonry & Stonework in both hand-set and MMC solutions,
Embracing Modern
Construction Techniques
Embracing and adopting Modern Methods of Construction
is a key element to our continued growth and success.
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Swift Brickwork Contractors Limited

Recognised as one of the UK's largest and most respected Brickwork Contractors.

Swift Brickwork Contractors Limited stands out as one of the preeminent companies in the United Kingdom’s construction industry, specifically in brickwork. Over the 30 years, our company has built a reputation as one of the largest and most reputable brickwork contractors throughout the UK.

Our ethos is built on a profound sense of pride in the variety of masonry services we offer. Our services are tailored to accommodate the diverse needs and expectations of our clients, all while adhering to the ever-evolving and demanding requirements of today’s dynamic construction industry.

Boasting an impressive track record of over three decades in the industry, Swift Brickwork Contractors Limited brings a wealth of experience to every project we undertake.

We have been providing a comprehensive range of services encompassing Brickwork, Blockwork, Architectural Masonry & Stonework. Our proficiency in these areas extends to both handset and pre-cast solutions, catering to our clientele’s varied preferences and needs.

Thanks to our deep-rooted experience, extensive knowledge, and unwavering commitment to high-quality workmanship, Swift Brickwork Contractors Limited has emerged as a trusted partner in the UK construction industry. We are ideally positioned to deliver Excellence Without Compromise, encapsulating our commitment to both superior quality and client satisfaction in all our projects.

Our Vibrant work culture and can do attitude is key in our ability to deliver some of the UK's most iconic buildings

Michael WalshManaging Director

Latest News

Keep up to date with everything thats happening
at Swift Brickwork Contractors Limited

The Featherstone Building


Royal Exchange


Lucent, One Sherwood St.


30 Grosvenor Square


Napier & New Plymouth House


N2 Nova Evolved


Pool Street


Wood Wharf Building B2

Canary Wharf Contractors

Cosway Street


Greenford Green

Telford Homes

Egham Gateway

Grahams Construction

Beckton Parkside Phase 2




Our core service for over 30 years. Brickwork remains at the heart of everything we do.

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Providing clients with a robust,
load bearing, non-combustable & sound resistant solution.

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Providing clients with decorative architectural features in both precast and natural forms.

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MMC Solutions

Embracing & adopting modern methods of construction in the delivery of precast solutions.

Learn more

Scaffolding & Access

Providing our clients with
all types of scaffolding and
access solutions.

Learn more

If you have a project you
would like to discuss

Feel free to drop us a line at
and we will see that you enquiry finds it’s way to the relevant department.
Alternatively, feel free to call us on 01245 255000.

During our 30th Anniversary year in 2022, we rolled out our 30 in 30 scheme which was introduced to welcome 30 apprentices into the company. At Swift, we recognise that our investment in the future is key to our ongoing success

At Swift Brickwork Contractors Limited our Apprenticeship scheme provides every participant with the opportunity to work with the brightest and best in the UK Construction industry. Our plan is that their journey to becoming a tradesman with a globally recognised qualification will be an exciting and eye-opening experience.

Our Careers

Our clients include…